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Full Stack Blockchain Developer (M/F)

France, Paris
Mis en ligne le 29 novembre 2017 par NeofactoLux (+ d'offres)
Scorechain SA
Type de contrat :CDIStage
Métier :Développeur Web
Type d'entreprise :Startup
Localisation :France, Paris
Salaire :de 30 000 €/an à 45 000 €/an
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
Compétences requises :AngularJS, Cassandra, Développement Web, Javascript, MongoDB, Node.js, ReactJs
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Poste à pourvoir

As a Full-Stack Blockchain Developer you will:
- Work within our team of passionate and talented developers
- Test, Implement, re-Design, re-Implement and re-Test our platforms and Apps
- Work with cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and DLTs such as: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger and more
- Be involved in the elaboration of Proofs-of-Concept and actual Blockchain Products for our customer or ourselves.

Profil recherché

IT skills and knowledge:

- A proven experience using programming languages such as: Node.js, GoLang, ObjectiveC, Swift. Java accepted if not over-engineered and PHP also if not messy (eg sf2 alike).
- A personal experience with Bitcoin and/or Ethereum would be very appreciated
- An experience in mobile development is also interesting
- You should also know some system administration

Your profile:

- Passionate about new and disruptive technologies
- A good team player, enthusiastic about learning with other
- Technically creative but pragmatically checked by implementation
- Engineering schools, Master 2, IUP, EPITECH or similar

Description de la société

Scorechain delivers products and services around Blockchain technologies.
The adventure started with a regtech product designed for any Bitcoin related companies, audit firms and law enforcement agencies. Using Blockchain Intelligence, we have developed an innovative suite of tools such as transaction tracking, address and transaction scoring,
identification and clusterisation. The aim is to be the Moody’s for Bitcoin and tomorrow for any
digital asset. The solution helps customers to trust their counterparts in decentralized environment with risk management, AML, KYC and forensics solutions.
For more than a year now, we also provide trainings, advisory and development services to large accounts willing to innovate with distributed ledgers technologies. Several products have been successfully delivered notably around KYC, asset management and securities management.

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