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Développeur Full Stack

Midi Pyrénées, Toulouse (31000)
Mis en ligne le 27 juin 2017 par Charline3D (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :CDI
Métier :Développeur informatique
Type d'entreprise :Startup
Localisation :Midi Pyrénées, Toulouse (31000)
Salaire :de 30 000 €/an à 40 000 €/an
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
Compétences requises :Python
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Poste à pourvoir

- Develop a large scale distributed platform to mediate 3D printing data delivery between different
- Build, design and implement scalable web applications.
- Develop, test, and deploy code in a fast paced environment.
- Help other developers integrate the security and data analysis parts of the product.

Profil recherché

- You have built (web-based) server systems before. Python, Django and REST are a plus.
- You know what single-page applications are and are able to develop them based on Javascript or
Typescript. Experience with Angular 2 is a strong plus!
- You understand and know how to apply software architecture on backend and frontend, model data
structures, tweak performance and build scaling server systems. Knowledge in API design and
database systems completes the picture.
- Git, test driven development and continuous integration are your best friends.
- You consider problem-solving your most appreciated skill and often take a step back to understand
the broader context.
- You are an excellent team player and are a mentor for junior developers.
- Any experience in a security related field or with data analysis will be considered favorably.
- And most importantly: you are enthusiastic about 3D printing, the aerospace industry and Industry
4.0 in general.

Description de la société

3dTrust, une startup en pleine expansion dans le secteur de l’impression 3D, recrute un développeur Full Stack au sein de son équipe !
Nous développons une solution permettant aux industriels qui conçoivent des fichiers 3D de protéger efficacement leur propriété intellectuelle et de garantir la qualité et traçabilité des pièces imprimées chez leurs fournisseurs. En sécurisant toutes les transactions nous rendons possible un contrôle total de la chaine de distribution et fabrication.

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