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Développeur web clientèle vétérinaire, agent de maîtrise H/F

Allemagne, addressCity - Référence : 1
Mis en ligne le 23 décembre 2016 par (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :Stage
Métier :Informatique générale
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Allemagne, addressCity
Salaire :de 36 500 €/an à 54 750 €/an
Compétences requises :CSS, HTML5, Javascript, Méthodes agiles, Node.js, PHP
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Poste à pourvoir

Joining a longterm collaborative project managed in partnership with skilled and well sized development teams you will be in charge of purely architectural aspects in a mobile environment relying on few different Web technologies.

Profil recherché

Agile methodology Data modeling Node.js & / or PHP frameworks knowledge Frontend Javascript / HTML 5 / CSS development Optional: mobile development native or hybrid - BAC+5 - <6 mois

Description de la société

is looking for
passionated junior profile
willing to create a longterm relationship
with a fresh and agile company.
- You will work on solid trendy web and mobile
- technologies relying on our tech guru to increase in power.

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