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Responsable d'études / data scientist H/F

Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Toulon (83000) - Référence : 2016-11826 15485513
Mis en ligne le 23 septembre 2016 par dcnsmp (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :CDI
Métier :Responsable des études
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Toulon (83000)
Salaire :de 40 000 €/an à 60 000 €/an
Compétences requises :C/C++, Java, machine learning, Python, Statistiques
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Poste à pourvoir

DCNS Ollioules recruit a Data Scientist :
Your main tasks and responsibilities will be to develop operational intelligence capabilities:
1. Fusion, analysis and representation of various types of operational data coming from different sources such as ship/submarine health monitoring, surveillance operations, crew health monitoring, bridge and maintenance logbooks, maritime surveillance records, logistic network, manufacturing operations, ERP and possibly many others
2. Build reasoning capabilities to support information understanding and decision making for various application cases such as operational planning, diagnostics, prognostics, usage and performance monitoring, material management, adaptive human machine interface, adaptive manufacturing systems
3. participate to an Academic network to support DCNS roadmaps in advance machine learning, deep machine learning, artificial intelligence and design future system architecture
The expected business values are the following ones:
*Improve ship/submarine safety and operability;
*minimize ship/submarine manufacturing and operation costs;
*Enhanced security through improved monitoring and situational awareness of products and infrastructure.
This role will involve some travel for business and as such you must be able to travel accordingly.

Profil recherché

We are looking for candidates with the following skills and experience:
*PHD Degree or more in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or Artificial Intelligence,
*Knowledge of statistics and mathematics (machine learning, statistical analysis, pattern recognition),
*Knowledge of an Object Oriented Language (e.g. C/C++) and willingness to learn and develop skills around new technologies (Java, Python, Big Data & Analytics, etc),
*Knowledge of the Data Scientists domain (data processing, management, mining and storage, artificial intelligence, cloud & HPC computing) would be a plus,
*Negotiation level in English.

Description de la société

DCNS est un leader mondial du naval de défense et un innovateur dans l'énergie. Entreprise de haute technologie et d'envergure internationale, DCNS répond aux besoins de ses clients grâce à ses savoir-faire exceptionnels, ses moyens industriels uniques et sa capacité à monter des partenariats stratégiques innovants.
Avec 3,3 milliards d'euros de chiffre d'affaires et plus de 13 000 collaborateurs en France et à l'étranger, le Groupe conçoit, réalise et maintient en service des sous-marins et des navires de surface. Il fournit également des services pour les chantiers et bases navals. Enfin, le Groupe propose un large panel de solutions dans les énergies marines renouvelables.
Imaginez avec nous les navires militaires de nouvelle génération.
Un univers de haute technologie s'ouvre à vous.
Vivez l'expérience DCNS !

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