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Junior Security Developer Alternance/Apprentissage H/F

Ile de France, Paris (75001)
Mis en ligne le 26 janvier 2023 par Marie Calvert (+ d'offres)
Bloom Alternance
Type de contrat :Alternance
Métier :Développeur informatique
Expérience :Débutant accepté
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Ile de France, Paris (75001)
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
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Poste à pourvoir is looking for a Security Developer to technically support its growth

As our team is constantly growing you are now hiring our first security developer, which will have the following 2 responsabilities:

- Improve internal process to improve our cyber-security

- Develop new / improve existing ways to access data (more on this in interviews)

Profil recherché

We are looking for someone who is passionate about IT in general and strongly interested in IT security as a whole: network, system and application. The ideal candidate also wants to invest in an ambitious collective project, to work with all the Nunki teams.

- You are preparing or already have a **Bac+5 degree** in the fields of new technologies and information systems security, development,

- You have a strong understanding of network protocols and the underlying technologies,

- Proxies and vpn's should have no secret for you,

- You are familiar with the Tor network,

- Linux is your territory, you should probably be familiar with Kali Linux,

- You have experience with either pen-testing, backdoors or any kind of (white hat) hacking,

- You are comfortable enough to work and communicate in English

- You have a critical mind, you are attentive and pay attention to details

- You are curious, always on the lookout for the latest developments, and ready to learn from others and from your experiences (but also from books, podcasts, events, training courses, etc.).

Description de la société is a French startup specialising in risk anticipation, detection and analysis.

Due to its proprietary monitoring technology that leverages artificial intelligence and big data, []( provides real-time early alerts decisive to its customer. Hence allowing the proper conduct of operations.

We are developing a technology-intensive solution to structure real-time global information. These data enable media, security, logistics and market finance key players to make better decisions.

Our technology continuously analyses large amounts of live data (social networks, web via crawlers, APIs, etc.) 24/7 to detect as quickly as possible the occurrence of major and inherently unpredictable events: attacks, accidents, natural & industrial disasters, health crises, etc. Le poste est à pourvoir au sein de notre entreprise partenaire. Aucun frais a prévoir pour le candidat qui sera libre de choisir son école.

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