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Traineeship Secure Vault (H/F)

Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (63000)
Mis en ligne le 31 décembre 2019 par taleez-recruitment (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :Stage
Métier :Ingénieur sécurité
Niveau d'étude requis :BAC+5 ou plus
Expérience :Débutant accepté
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (63000)
Salaire :de 6 000 €/an à 12 000 €/an
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
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Poste à pourvoir

Nowadays after the Internet revolution, more and more documents are digitalized. In this context users need to keep these documents in a secure place. Therefore, the design of a secure digital vault is an important tool in this digitalization process. First a study of the exiting solutions in the market and in the academic field needs to be done. Then the project can e divided in 3 steps as follows:

The first step of this project is to identify the different security properties that such vault needs to be achieved. Some properties are clear like the confidentiality or the integrity of sensitive data in the vault. Some other ones are more difficult to achieve like for instance the everlasting security which means that the encrypted stored data in the vault should be secure forever.

The second step is to construct several intruder models that are realistic in his context. Do we want to only consider a passive attacker or an honest but curious intruder is enough? Or maybe an active insider is too powerful to achieve any of the security properties established in the first step.

The last step is to analyze the existing digital vault proposed by the company in order to determine which properties are satisfied using some formal proofs or to discover some attacks. After this formal security analysis and according to the result obtain, the design of a more secure version of the vault can be envisaged.


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Profil recherché

You have a master’s degree in computer science (Master 2, Bac +5) and wish to apply your expertise to a large-scale industrial project for a long-term internship of 6 to 8 months. The internship will be followed by a PhD.


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Description de la société

be-ys crée et assure le suivi de solutions numériques dans le traitement de données sensibles sur des secteurs d’activité exigeants tels que la santé et la sécurité.

Leader national de la sécurisation des données en plein essor international, notre groupe déploie ses solutions grâce à des technologies de pointe.   

Nous recherchons aujourd’hui de nouveaux talents pour consolider notre position de leader et continuer à innover sur le marché. 


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