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Traineeship Private Delegation of Sensitive Information (H/F)

Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (63000)
Mis en ligne le 31 décembre 2019 par taleez-recruitment (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :Stage
Métier :Ingénieur sécurité
Niveau d'étude requis :BAC+5 ou plus
Expérience :Débutant accepté
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (63000)
Salaire :de 6 000 €/an à 12 000 €/an
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
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Poste à pourvoir

GDPR is a major change in the construction of our digital world. It forces the actors of this field to perform a secure by deign world. It offers also more transparency and gives ack to the users the control of their data. Then a user can decide to control his data and can transfer them to one actor to another actor. All personal data are the main focus of this regulation. In this context many new secure applications need to be invented. For instance, if a user is identified by some mechanisms by one actor for instance his bank. He would appreciate that his bank can act as a Third Trust Party and helps him to be identified by some other actors by respecting the rights on the data that can or cannot be revealed to them. We can imagine that he can prove that the user is older than 18 years old in order to be able to access so some service for adult only. The user agrees to reveal that he is older than 18 but does not want that his bird date is revealed. In this context we would like to design adapted cryptographic schemes that can answer to such problematic. For instance, it can be some zero knowledge proofs or smooth projective hash functions that follow a certain policy proposed by the user. Another idea can be to use some proxy cryptography to help the user to have a better control.


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Profil recherché

The first goal of the project is to identify two or three clear and relevant use cases that offer some delegations on some personal data of a user. Then the second step is to list the security properties of each selected use cases. Then studying related work in order to identify existing solutions and see how they satisfy or not the security properties. Finally we would like to design some secure mechanisms to achieve each use case.


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Description de la société

be-ys crée et assure le suivi de solutions numériques dans le traitement de données sensibles sur des secteurs d’activité exigeants tels que la santé et la sécurité.

Leader national de la sécurisation des données en plein essor international, notre groupe déploie ses solutions grâce à des technologies de pointe.   

Nous recherchons aujourd’hui de nouveaux talents pour consolider notre position de leader et continuer à innover sur le marché. 


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