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Data Engineer Intern

Midi Pyrénées, Labège (31670)
Mis en ligne le 11 octobre 2019 par taleez-recruitment (+ d'offres)
About Sigfox
Type de contrat :Stage
Métier :Ingénieur systèmes et réseaux
Niveau d'étude requis :BAC+5 ou plus
Expérience :Débutant accepté
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Midi Pyrénées, Labège (31670)
Salaire :de 6 000 €/an à 12 000 €/an
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
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Poste à pourvoir

Within Sigfox, the Data & Analytics team is responsible for collecting and making data available for analytics and other services. Data freshness is becoming more and more critical for the company. At the same time, as the amount of data collected is growing, it is also becoming interesting to rationalize the cost to process the data.

Most of the data processing is currently realized with Apache Spark. The aim of the internship is to fine tune the sizing and configuration of our Spark clusters in order to offer the best trade-off between performance and cost.

Some problematics of hybrid cloud will also be explored during the internship.


As part of Data & Analytics team, the intern will work on the following tasks:

* Get familiar with existing data processing pipeline

* Explore Spark documentation to acquire the best practices in terms of configuration

* Define different Spark cluster architectures and data preparation plans to be tested

* Carry out performance tests

* Write test reports

* Write technical documentation to best size and configure Spark clusters given Sigfox’s use case

 Technical environment: Python, Apache Spark, AWS S3, AWS EMR, Bitbucket, JIRA


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Profil recherché


The candidate should be in the last year of a master’s degree in computer engineering. Ideally the candidate would demonstrate the following skills:

* Proficient in Python programming

* Knowledge of some open source tools for Big Data (Spark, Hadoop, Flink, Storm, Hive)

* Interest in performance tuning

* Proactive

* Team player

"Sigfox, as a learning organization and open minded on Diversity is ready to welcome Extra-ordinary people and adapt their Workplace."


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Description de la société

Our vision: Make things come alive !

Billions of objects worldwide will be connected to the Internet; their data will be stored in the cloud and will participate in the digitalization of our environment. Having a global, simple, low-cost and low-power connectivity solution is fundamental. This is the challenge that Sigfox addresses by deploying a low-bandwidth dedicated network, already present in 60 countries.

 Created in 2010 the company is a recognized global pioneer and leader in a sector that is already disrupting business models and will revolutionize the whole of society. The ambition of Sigfox, embodied in the slogan "Make Things Come Alive", is to give a voice to the physical world around us and to allow these billions of objects to play a role in economic and social development. 


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