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Développement d'un portail web de services climatiques

France, Montpellier
Mis en ligne le 21 décembre 2017 par bslod (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :CDD
Métier :Développeur Web
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :France, Montpellier
Salaire :de 20 400 €/an à 33 600 €/an
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
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Poste à pourvoir

An engineer position of 24 months is offered within the context of the development of climate services in France. The French ministry of Environment, Ecology and Ocean is supporting the development of new demonstrators of climate services, co-designed with potential users, as well as strengthening current services. The work is done in collaboration with several organizations in France (IPSL, Météo-France, BRGM, CERFACS). In this context, IPSL is offering a Full stack web developer position with the objective to design a portal of climate services for agriculture in Africa.

In recent decades, West Africa has experienced some of the most extreme rainfall variability anywhere in the world with adverse impacts on food security. Long-term warming is also clearly detectable over the last 60 years. Climate change and rapid population growth can make this even worse. Better access to reliable climate information underpins effective climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector by helping farmers to improve their decision making. To address this challenge, we will develop a demonstrator of climate services in Senegal which aims to (1) build a dialogue with relevant stakeholders, (2) develop methodologies for using climate and impacts models and (3) demonstrate the added-value of climate risk management on pilot sites.

Description of work
- The first task is to compile a large set of climate data (climate scenarios, model outputs, indicators) based on the identification of the stakeholders’ needs for climate information. These needs will be provided to the candidate at the beginning of the work.
- The second task will be to make the climate information usable for the agriculture sector. A suite of analyses focused on key climate information identified by stakeholders will be applied to existing data and models outputs to identify the best observations products, most promising model products and produce tailored climate change impacts scenarios.
- The final task and the ultimate goal of the project is to design a web-platform to communicate this information for supporting agriculture decision. It includes a preparatory work on the best format to communicate information (maps, row data, probabilistic information…), a strong effort on making the interface as friendly as possible, easily useable in Africa (with low internet speed) and evolutive (possibility to include more data, to extend to other sectors and/or countries). Example of such a platform can be found here:

Supervision team:
The work will be conducted under the main supervision of Benjamin Sultan and Serge Janicot from IPSL together with expert colleagues from the two other institutions, namely Romain Roehring (CNRM), Philippe Roudier (AFD). The candidate will benefit from ECOCLIMASOL advices and expertise to design the platform as well as support from AFD numeric team ( CLIMAVISTA is a company specialized in climate services for agriculture based in Montpellier and Buenos Aires ( which already have strong links with IPSL. The work
can be conducted in Montpellier with frequent interactions with collaborators in Paris (conf call, travels) or in Paris with frequent interactions with Montpellier.

Duration and salary:
The successful candidate will be recruited as CNRS engineer for 24 months with a net monthly salary around 1500 euros, commensurate with experience (see This includes social services and health insurance.

Profil recherché

3-4 years experience in Web development
Skills for back-end: PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GIS tools, MVC web frameworks, Linux, API, Git
Skills for spatial data : Python, gdal, R
Skills for front-end: Javascript, Jquery, Leaflet, D3.js, html, css

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