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Software engineer net

Suisse, geneve - Référence : Nexdev
Mis en ligne le 6 avril 2014 par mvacca (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :CDI
Métier :Développeur informatique
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Suisse, geneve
Salaire :60KCH or 40K€
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
Compétences requises :.Net, Asp.Net, C#, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Oracle, SQL Server 2012, WCF
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Poste à pourvoir

My customer wants to increase his development team with 1 .NET Software Engineer to continue to develop the User Adoption Dashboard™.

 Short term focus
o Relooking web UI
o Optimize performances
o Upgrade Technical Architecture
o User Adoption BI engine development

Profil recherché

 Full time
 Main language French
 Written and spoken technical language English
 4.0 on C#
o DevExpress (Feature-Complete UI Controls, IDE Tools, and Business Application Frameworks for Visual Studio)
o Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 7.0
o Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SQL, Sored procedures, schema, PDM)
o Oracle Database version 11 and 12
Extensive experience with Microsoft .Net development
 Excellent knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
 An experiment in a development team of more than 5 people with the manager of configuration Team Foundation Server
 An experiment in the development of a marketed product is a serious asset
 A deep understanding of Cloud Computing and Infrastructure as a Service
 Focus on test driven development with good knowledge of unit testing frameworks and methodologies
 Comfort-level with working on a distributed/dispersed team

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