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Natural language processing specialist - japanese H/F

Lorraine, Metz (57000) - Référence : 1018 13033098
Mis en ligne le 24 mars 2016 par PisteOnJobs (+ d'offres)
Piste On Jobs
Type de contrat :CDD
Métier :Analyse système
Type d'entreprise :Editeur de logiciel
Localisation :Lorraine, Metz (57000)
Salaire :de 35 000 €/an à 45 000 €/an
Compétences requises :Java, machine learning
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Poste à pourvoir

Job Goal: development of new text-analysis and sentiment analysis methods to create financial trading indicators based on information from Japanese social media and social trading platforms.

Major Duties:
? Participate in existing and future research projects: analyze existing methods, develop original solutions and evaluate them, present results
? Identify relevant sources of information and extract data. Crawling & scraping of several data sources.
? Filter and prepare data
? Develop NLP algorithms for Japanese.
? Write analysis reports

The duties and responsibilities in this job description may be subject to change at any time due to reasonable accommodation or other reasons.

Profil recherché

Education Requirements
* Preferably PhD. in computational linguistics / Natural Language Processing or a similar Master's degree.

Work Experience and Skills Requirements
* Work Experience: 0-1 year in NLP or computer science.
* Knowledge in NLP, Machine Learning, crawling and scraping.
* Demonstrate ability to create lexical semantic resources for NLP-based applications.
* Languages: native Japanese, written. French or English spoken.
* Programming Skills: Java and scripting languages. Strong programming competences are necessary.

The applicant should be able to work in a team and show high motivation. This job requires autonomy and curiosity toward a changing environment. The NLP Specialist will contribute to the company's most important technical decisions; thereby this job will be a high-level entrepreneurial experience.

Working Conditions
* Percent Time: 100%
* Location: Metz (France)
* Resources: software and computer, desk
* Salary: attractive
* Duration: 6 months, starting in April 2016. A permanent contract or a CIFRE doctoral program will be available if the results are satisfactory.

Description de la société

Piste On Jobs est le premier réseau social de recherche d'emploi par recommandation. Son objectif est de mettre en lumière les offres du marché caché et d'accélérer les processus de recrutement.

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