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System Engineer Media Asset Management (H/F)

Ile de France, Boulogne-Billancourt (92100) - Référence : Monster_21198206
Mis en ligne le 7 octobre 2015 par forum (+ d'offres)
Vizrt France
Type de contrat :CDI
Métier :Informatique générale
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Ile de France, Boulogne-Billancourt (92100)
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Vizrt FRANCE is looking for a System Engineer to assist a project team in deploying Media Asset Management solutions for existing and new broadcast customers in France and Europe. Vizrt creates leading-edge content production tools for the digital media industry ? from award winning 3D graphics & maps through integrated video workflow solutions and online publishing tools. Leading broadcasters worldwide such as BBC, CNN, Fox and Network 10 utilizes Vizrt solutions. Vizrt understands the importance of efficient Digital Media Asset Management (MAM) solutions in today's competitive market and offers a whole range of MAM systems, including components for video editing, digitizing and archiving material. Further information about the company can be found at System Engineer Media Asset Management The mission of a typical Vizrt MAM project is to perform an initial or incremental system implementation of a MAM system, from pre-sales and design to development, implementation and GoLive. The System E

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