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Développeur full stack

Ile de France, Paris (75002) - Référence : CDI Développeur full stack
Mis en ligne le 14 juillet 2015 par chtig (+ d'offres)
Type de contrat :CDIStage
Métier :Ingénieur développement logiciel
Type d'entreprise :Startup
Localisation :Ile de France, Paris (75002)
Salaire :Selon profil
Télétravail :Pas de télétravail
Compétences requises :CSS3, Hibernate, HTML5, Java, JavaEE, Javascript, Spring, SQL
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Poste à pourvoir

You want to be part of a real adventure and be able to say “I did it”? You will be reporting directly to Cédric Laruelle, our CTO, who is an experienced serial entrepreneur.

Your responsibilities
You will be fully responsible for sets of functionalities, from the database to the front layer.

UniqueSound platform is developed in Java, using Spring and Hibernate, and the front side is implemented in html (using Velocity), Javascript (using JQuery) and CSS3.

The unfair advantage
Tired of being number xxx in a big organization? Tired to be considered as meat by your SSII? You want to show what you are capable of and have a real impact on a company? That we can offer!

Profil recherché

About You
• Strong logic and organization
• Good understanding of object oriented languages
• Likes a challenge, results oriented
• Loves the startup culture
• Available ASAP

Description de la société

Based in Paris and NYC, UniqueSound is the first platform for composers and sound creatives to showcase their work and get hired.

We are growing quickly: we just graduated from Techstars NYC Winter 2015, and from NUMA le Camping acceleration programs. We are a team of 6 music passionates wanting to create a better world for sound creatives.
(Oh and we are also quite good at ping pong, and making jokes.)

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