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Application design and development engineer

Ile de France, Paris (75000) - Référence : Corporate 10310254
Mis en ligne le 7 juillet 2015 par imerys (+ d'offres)
Imerys SA
Type de contrat :CDI
Métier :Développeur .NET
Type d'entreprise :Autre type d'entreprise (client final)
Localisation :Ile de France, Paris (75000)
Salaire :De 38000 à 42000 EUR par an
Compétences requises :Apache, Asp.Net, C#, CSS, HTML5, IIS, Javascript, jQuery, SharePoint 2013, SQLServer, VBA
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Poste à pourvoir

Customers: Imerys users based in Paris (about 250 people) and Group users concerned by the Corporate/HQs applications (about 1 000 people).

Types of applications: Departments' Analysis and Reporting, Finance Consolidation, Accountings, Treasury, Corp Communication, etc.

Technical scope:
Asp .net, C#,VB, Java Script, JQuery, HTML5, CSS, SharePoint 2013 (particularly taxonomy & search engine)
SQL Server (SQL, ETL & SSAS), Microsoft Office suite
Knowledge on web services, IIS, Apache,
Development skills in IBM Notes domino suite would be a plus.

The missions of the Application and Development Engineer are to:

Application duties:
Work with clients/users to gather information about program needs, objectives, functions, features, and input and output requirements,
Design, code and test new applications as well as ensure application maintenance of the existing application stock in close collaboration with key users and by periodically reporting to his/her supervisor,
Write and maintain documentation to describe program development, logic, coding, testing, changes, and corrections,
Develop reliable applications, meeting the objectives while complying with cost/schedule and quality dimensions,
Provide with technical assistance by responding to inquiries from others regarding errors, problems, or questions about programs,
Train end users or technical support staff to use programs,
Communicate, document and report of the work done thanks to meeting transcripts, guides, procedures and other means by following Group standards.

Administration duties:
Analyze, define, and document requirements for data, workflow, logical processes, hardware and operating system environment, interfaces with other systems, internal and external checks and controls, and outputs,
Write and maintain technical specifications,
Administer and fine-tunes the technical part of the applications (Data base, ETL etc.) by complying with standards and recommendation from software vendors,
Develop and maintain database policies and procedures for ensuring security and integrity of the company database,
Write documentation or reviews documentation written by others that describes installation and operating procedures,
Administer data bases (mainly MS SQL or Oracle),
Maintain technical components of business pertaining to business applications in collaboration with end-user or software vendor.

Other duties:
May manage smalls sized projects or some part of bigger projects in good autonomy and communication with his/her supervisor and other project team members,
Analyze and estimate feasibility, workload, time, and compatibility with hardware and other programs,
Comply with Group standards and policies, as well as methodologies and best practice in Paris IT Corporate.
Report to his/her manager on weekly/monthly activity for both application maintenance and project works.

Profil recherché

-Bachelor +3 years in University/Computer Science (Master/MIAGE)

-3 to 5 years of successful track record and experience if possible in large corporation

Technical competencies:
-Good knowledge of the various business (treasury, finance, accountings, stocks, purchasing, hr,..)
-Very Good skills/expertise in development coding languages and reporting tool such as Lotus Notes, Internet/Intranet portal, Web technologies,
-Good skills in relational data bases (SQL server mandatory) and BI techniques (analysis services and Business Objects if possible),
-Knowledge of Project management tools and techniques from PMI (Project Management Institute) would be a plus.

-Fluent English: capacity to take an active part in any conference call or meeting in English as well as to communicate in writing without misunderstanding.

-Adaptability to change,
-Good interpersonal skills,
-Ability to prioritise tasks ,
-Analytical and global mind-set,
-Team Spirit with other IT organization.

-Bug free coding and program/application maintenance
-Good Workload estimate
-Capacity to deliver on schedule
-Ability to perform complete tests and deliver very good documentation,
-Strong understanding of the organizations goals and objectives,
-trong customer service orientation.

Description de la société

Leader mondial des solutions minérales pour l'industrie, avec un chiffre d'affaires de 3,7 milliards d'euros en 2013 et 15 800 collaborateurs, Imerys possède 250 implantations industrielles dans 50 pays.
Le Groupe extrait des ressources rares et les transforme en solutions minérales qui améliorent les produits et les procédés de production de ses clients dans les biens de consommation, l'équipement industriel ou la construction.

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